From the union of three great cooperatives, a new holding is born, and it is genuinely from Paraná. Inspired on the greatness of its idealizers, Unium is a brand with over 5 thousand cooperated people. People who recognize in cooperation and honest work the secret to a sustainable growth and the increase of competitiveness of the local and global agricultural business. Based on the principles of intercooperation, Unium is the sum of values such as pioneering, belief in the future, passion for work, and unconditional devotion to our land. Altogether, the cooperatives represent more than 7 billions in annual income and a hefty presence on the national market. We are a team playing together in several fields of the agricultural business, and our activities range from milk production to swine breeding, livestock, agriculture, including as well the production of rations and grains, reaching out to 25 countries.
The Unium brand will represent the projects and companies in which all of the three companies act together. It is important to observe that it is not a fusion between these companies, let alono a new company. Unium is a brand that will offer the market the endorsement of guarantee, dignity, and competence of the Frísia, Castrolanda, and Capal cooperatives. It is also a brand ready for tomorrow’s challenges, sharing the growth with its associates and looking to satisfy with excellence the market’s demands. Unium. The confidence from the field to your table.
The beginning. The first Dutch families arrived on the Campos Gerais through the Brazil Railway Company.
The first cooperative. Creation of the Sociedade Cooperativa Hollandeza de Lacticínios by the hands of the settlers, aiming at expanding the production of milk and dairy products.
The brand Batavo is created.
New associates join Batavo, and the adoption of new productive techniques, as well as of Dutch livestock, push the production forward.
Castrolanda is created.
The Cooperativa Central de Laticínios do Paraná Ltda (CCLPL) is created.
With 21 associates, all of them Dutch.
It is the beginning of the expension of the activities.
Opening of a Capal unit in Itararé – SP.
An year marked by the rationalization and implementation of the new Capal management model.
Batavo, whose denomination had been changed to Batavia, integrates itself with Perdigão S.A., Brfoods.
The event was designed by Castrolanda and has established itself as a development channel for the sector, gathering all of the country's productive chain.
Inauguration of the dairy products industry of Castrolanda.
Castrolanda makes an investment on the production of beans.
Beginning of the operation that would turn out to be the Unium brand's genesis.
Batavo Cooperativa Industrial adopts the name Frísia.
Unium is born from the union of Frísia, Castrolanda, and Capal. Created on the principles of intercooperation, the new brand represents the natural evolution of cooperativism within the area.